How Cash Could End Poverty In America

Income inequality is at an all-time high in America with nearly half the wealth in our country sitting in the mansions, private planes, and the bank accounts of the ultra-wealthy. Not since the Gilded Age has so much wealth been controlled by so few.

Join our conversation, as we think through whether the best way to fight income inequality might be a guaranteed income. Recurring cash payments, directly to the people who need it most are a proven tool to beat back against the rising tide of income inequality. A benefit as small as $500 a month to working adults would lift 20 million people out of poverty overnight and cost less than half of what the US spends on defense every year.

If you’re intrigued, register now and think through the idea with us. If you’re skeptical, still register and throw your critiques our way. We want to start an honest conversation that will see an end to poverty in America and we want you to be part of it.

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Rethinking Inequality and How We Earn

This book will start a frank conversation about how we earn in modern America, how we can combat income inequality, and ultimately, how we can give everyone a fair shot.

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